Like other experts, Carl Weiner, M.D. and professor in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, states that the use of medication during pregnancy is a neglected area of research. In April 2013, he published "The Complete Guide to Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding".
In an interview with the University of Kansas Medical Center, Weiner shares his hopes that women will use the guide as a springboard for discussions with their health care providers. "A book is frozen in time. New information comes out all the time. But they could use what we are providing them as a starting point to question whether a particular drug was safe for them."
Many in the United States are concerned by these issues, but the Australian government, via the Therapeutic Goods Administration, also seeks to inform healthcare professionals about the risks of drug intake during pregnancy with the help of its database.
There is clearly a widespread hope for better information regarding pregnancy and medication. Let's open up the debate and collect the data.