Bridging the knowledge gap on drug use in pregnancy

How does a healthcare professional know if a drug is safe for use? Fortunately, all prescription and over-the-counter medicines go through a thorough clinical trials process, which lasts for several years. And regulators don’t launch a drug until they are convinced of its safety profile. But in pregnancy, this distinction is less clear. There are fewer clinical trials that incorporate…

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Is it right to leave pregnant women out?

Every day, the world of medicine moves one step forward. Compared to half a century ago, a decade ago, even a year ago, doctors have never been better informed, have more answers, and a wider range of drugs to turn to and help patients. But this pace of change hasn’t been equal for everyone. Particularly when it comes to testing…

Read more > Is it right to leave pregnant women out?

Medication during pregnancy: a neglected area of research

Like other experts, Carl Weiner, M.D. and professor in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, states that the use of medication during pregnancy is a neglected area of research. In April 2013, he published "The Complete Guide to Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding". In an interview with the University of Kansas Medical Center, Weiner shares…

Read more > Medication during pregnancy: a neglected area of research

Unplanned pregnancies: a case for clinical trials

Not every pregnancy is planned. Even for women that want to have a baby, there’s nearly always a gap between getting pregnant, and realizing that they are pregnant. So what happens to a woman in that space of time when she’s taking prescribed drugs or self-medicating for a minor illness? More often than not, doctors don’t know the answer. The…

Read more > Unplanned pregnancies: a case for clinical trials

Mothers-to-be have questions: who knows the answers?

Pregnancy is a time of roller coaster emotions for a mother-to-be, particularly a first-timer. And these emotions bring about endless questions. But when it comes to medicine use – who are these women turning to for answers? And are women in different countries looking for help in the same places? That’s exactly what a group of academics asked themselves when…

Read more > Mothers-to-be have questions: who knows the answers?
