Cancer treatment during pregnancy: why are we so afraid?

When cancer is diagnosed during pregnancy, are termination and delaying treatment the only options? According to Dr. Frédéric Amant, standard oncological treatments with just a few restrictions are safe for both mother and baby. He strongly believes that by caring for the mother you are caring for her unborn child. In his enlightening talk, he details the results of his…

Read more > Cancer treatment during pregnancy: why are we so afraid?

90 seconds to cut the cord

Less than a year later, Dr. Alan Greene's call to wait at least 90 secondes to cut the cord seems to got heard. The BBC reports UK guidelines on that matter are currently being reviewed and new ones should be published next year. The same week, The Guardian title "Mother sings praises of delayed clamping of umbilical cord - More…

Read more > 90 seconds to cut the cord

Don’t abandon mothers, disrupt the medical taboo

Earthshaking disruption at TEDxBrusselsChange Inspired by the Gates Foundation’s initiative, the TEDxBrussels team aimed to bring the spirit of TEDxChange to the heart of Europe. TEDxBrussels is already a sizeable platform that enables speakers to give their ideas and amazing projects a lot of visibility (see the paraorchestra story). However, more could be done for global health and development, particularly…

Read more > Don’t abandon mothers, disrupt the medical taboo

Pregnancy Taboos: the start of a movement

Momentum is building. More and more people agree that pregnancy taboos must be broken. Our budding coalition is connecting people who share our determination to break the silence and share solutions. Although not currently part of the coalition, the three groups below have broken taboos in their own right and we wanted to share their stories and initiatives with you.…

Read more > Pregnancy Taboos: the start of a movement
