Pioneers of chemotherapy in pregnancy

There are no clear-cut answers about using chemotherapy to treat cancer in pregnant women – and current advice is usually given on a case-by-case basis. But the fact that doctors do use chemotherapy to treat certain cancers in mothers-to-be today stems from studies started 40 years ago, in Mexico. In 1973, Dr. Agustin Aviles, a doctor working in the public…

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First advisory board meeting for Pregnancy and Medicine Initiative

Moving the project forward and getting validation on our program’s objectives were key discussions during our first advisory board meeting on March 24, 2014. Meeting via teleconference, we discussed how differentiating ourselves from other debates linked to pregnancy is important, and so is clarifying the purpose of the initiative. The new branding and identity of the program, which we were presented…

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Motherisk helps mothers-to-be decide

When it comes to pregnancy taboos, some organizations are tackling them head-on. Motherisk, a Canadian program that counsels women on medication use during pregnancy, is one such place. It offers mothers-to-be, and breastfeeding women, advice and resources on subjects that vary from life-threatening diseases to minor ailments. But what Motherisk does particularly well is acknowledge that the medical profession doesn’t…

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