Medication during pregnancy: a neglected area of research

Like other experts, Carl Weiner, M.D. and professor in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, states that the use of medication during pregnancy is a neglected area of research. In April 2013, he published "The Complete Guide to Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding". In an interview with the University of Kansas Medical Center, Weiner shares…

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Unplanned pregnancies: a case for clinical trials

Not every pregnancy is planned. Even for women that want to have a baby, there’s nearly always a gap between getting pregnant, and realizing that they are pregnant. So what happens to a woman in that space of time when she’s taking prescribed drugs or self-medicating for a minor illness? More often than not, doctors don’t know the answer. The…

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Brave women; brave doctors

Testing drugs on pregnant women suffering from a life-threatening disease is not an easy decision to make. It’s not just about the mother-to-be and her illness, but there’s a second life to consider. So how do doctors strike a balance between the mother’s health and the fetus’ wellbeing? It takes a brave doctor, and a brave mother-to-be, to try and…

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