2015 Pregnancy Summit– State of the science on medicine in pregnancy

The Pregnancy Summit, held in London in early October, was an opportunity to hear about some of the latest science related to pregnancy and fetal health medicine. The Pregnancy and Medicine Initiative was present at the conference, which took place simultaneously with the first European Safe Motherhood Week, to help highlight some of the important work being done to improve…

Read more > 2015 Pregnancy Summit– State of the science on medicine in pregnancy

The uncomfortable truth about Hyperemesis Gravidarum

“This is the sound of my pregnancy.” There were a few slightly uneasy chuckles around the room as Katrine Moholt, Norwegian actress, fumbled around a few seconds before she played an audio file. Everyone knew what they were about to hear. Then, it came out: Gurgling. Moaning. Retching. Of course, most of us laughed – that was the expected reaction…

Read more > The uncomfortable truth about Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Cancer and Pregnancy Conference – the case for centralized data and a multidisciplinary approach

Inspired. It’s hard to think of last Thursday’s Cancer and Pregnancy conference, organized by our partner Mummy’s Star, and not have this feeling come back over and over again. Inspired – By the wonderful people who, in the face of adversity and grief, turned one of the most difficult experiences one could ever be confronted with into an opportunity to…

Read more > Cancer and Pregnancy Conference – the case for centralized data and a multidisciplinary approach

Second opinions: opening options where there were none before

Daphne Meganck and her husband were ecstatic when they found out she was pregnant with their second child. But that happiness quickly turned into fear - for her family and herself - when she received a diagnosis of invasive cancer. Thanks to evidence-based medical information, she had options and was able to choose what felt right for her and her…

Read more > Second opinions: opening options where there were none before

Cancer and Pregnancy Awareness Week: Risks of delay in diagnosis can have serious impact

Our partner Mummy’s Star, a UK charity supporting women diagnosed with cancer in and around pregnancy, is launching its second “Cancer and Pregnancy Awareness Week.” Last year’s awareness week helped heighten awareness of how a cancer diagnosis, either in the midst of a pregnancy or soon after a birth, can impact families. This resulted in an uptake of support for…

Read more > Cancer and Pregnancy Awareness Week: Risks of delay in diagnosis can have serious impact

I have major depression, and it's serious

Catherine*, 37, works in public health and has suffered from severe depression for more than a decade. She takes Prozac but refused to let this stop her from pursuing her dream of having a family. This is her story. (*real name changed for anonymity.) I was diagnosed with major depression in 2004, when I was 26 and I began taking…

Read more > I have major depression, and it's serious

A decade of cancer and pregnancy research at KU Leuven

Marnix Verley, now four years old, is probably too young to realize it. But when his mother Lesley was pregnant with him, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. His parents faced the difficult choice between terminating the pregnancy and treating the cancer with chemotherapy. Advised by Dr. Frédéric Amant, they opted for treatment, and, after six rounds of chemo, Lesley…

Read more > A decade of cancer and pregnancy research at KU Leuven
