Choosing between mom or baby: one mother’s tragic story

This is a story of one woman, Liz Joice, who thought she could never have a child because she had been treated for cancer in her early 30s. But then, she became pregnant, and one month into that pregnancy her cancer returned. Liz and her partner faced the impossible decision: conduct a full MRI scan to find out the full…

Read more > Choosing between mom or baby: one mother’s tragic story

The information vacuum and challenges to appropriate care

Pregnant women expect quite a bit from their healthcare providers, even more so if they have a disease that requires supervision and treatment. We asked some members of our advisory board what their biggest challenges are when it comes to providing pregnant women with a disease – or those who are planning to get pregnant – the appropriate access to…

Read more > The information vacuum and challenges to appropriate care

Breaking information gaps for pregnant women

No doubt the challenges to making appropriate care and information available to women facing illness and pregnancy are many. There are huge information gaps; the information we have is fractured and often hard to interpret; research with pregnant women is scientifically and ethically complex; and law and policy raise daunting barriers to conducting needed studies. Yet in my work on…

Read more > Breaking information gaps for pregnant women
